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#1EMVPchat Twitter Party April 23rd

#1EMVPchat Twitter Party

Party time, excellent.
That’s right boys and girls, we have another awesome Twitter Party coming your way this Monday, April 23rd at 12pm EST! This month our gracious hosts are MVPs Paul Winstanley, Matthew Hudson, and 1E’s own Shaun Cassells!

Meet your MVPs

You know Paul Winstanley from his killer blog. A relatively newly minted MVP (2017) he’s already made a huge impact in the community.
Paul is a UK based System Center Configuration Manager Consultant with over 20 years of architecture, deployment and consulting experience.
Over the last few years, Paul has worked with various companies to stand up Configuration Manager environments, engage in Windows 10 deployments and integrate automated solutions.
He is an active blogger, he set up the SCCMentor website four years ago to assist others with tips, fixes and guides, is a Community Leader of the Windows Management User Group and is usually found answering technical questions at the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager TechNet forums, or tweeting about the product on Twitter.
He lives in London with his wife and four children.


Matthew (Matt to those in the know!) Hudson is a Senior SCCM System Engineer at Schlumberger. He has been programming and fixing computers for almost 30 years. His first computers were the TRS-80 Model III and the IBM XT. Matthew received his B.S. from Texas A&M University and a M.S. from Prairie View A&M University. He has a focus on Enterprise Client Management and loves the challenge of both Education as well as the private sector.


That brings us to our very own Shaun Cassells. Shaun is a rockstar 1E Senior Solutions Engineer along with keeping his own blog. A graduate of the University of Iowa, Shaun speaks at many conferences and conventions internationally every year.
This party is going to be powered by these three hosts—talking about all things MMS, Windows Deployment, and Staying Current. Don’t miss it!


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