We had another amazing Twitter Party yesterday with powerhouse MVPs Maurice Daly, Jörgen Nilsson, and Greg Ramsey. If you didn’t have a chance to join in, you can go to Twitter and use the hashtag #1EMVPchat to read the transcript of the questions and comments. These big brains answered some important questions about updating from BIOS to UEFI and in case you didn't know, it's an important issue right now. When we polled our audience, there was a perfect split between those who had updated already and those who were still in the process— but still, enough people who hadn't updated yet at all which begs the question, why?
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Here are some of the questions and answers from the chat. The conversation was extremely helpful, so please make sure you take a look!
Question: Is there any integration with the Microsoft MBR2GPT process?
Answer: MBR2GPT is one part of a larger process. The tool only converts the format of the hard drive. 1E automates changing BIOS to UEFI and ConfigMgr.
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Question: What are some of the benefits of moving from BIOS to UEFI?
Answer: The security features, for sure. Secure Boot and Device Guard are big ticket items—A secure Windows 10 is the future of enterprise business!
Question: Once you upgrade to UEFI, do you have continual upkeep or is it a one and done deal?
Answer: For the switch itself it is a one-time operation. But with Windows as a Service, you need to upgrade the Firmware as well as drivers.mvp twitter party
Question: Why do you think there are still so many businesses NOT upgrading to UEFI?
It is a challenge for many. A lot of different vendors and models exist within an enterprise. Sometimes there's a different toolset or it's not possible to test.
twitter mvpQuestion: Are there any risks in moving from BIOS to UEFI?
Answer: Any change is a risk. One piece of advice would be to keep your BIOS release up to date and also your TPM f/w when using encryption. But consider the risks of NOT moving!  The biggest lesson learned is to get your BIO firmware updated prior to moving from BIOS to UEFI.

Do you have more questions? You can always ask using the hashtag #1EMVPchat. But luckily for you, there's another opportunity to ask MVP Jörgen Nilsson and 1E's Jim Bezdan all about the epic move. We are hosting a live webinar next Wednesday and you can register now!
Thanks again to our awesome MVPs. If you love our MVP Twitter Parties, give us a shout on Twitter and let us know what our next topic should be! Are you an MVP and want to join int he fun? Get in touch!