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US Dept of State is a 2012 InfoWorld superstar of sustainable IT

We’re delighted to say that 1E customer the US Department of State, is recognised by InfoWorld as a 2012 superstar of sustainable IT!
Federal mandates assess agencies on a variety of sustainability areas, including energy management. Historically, the Department mandated that all 88,986 desktops at 468 worldwide sites – comprised of domestic facilities, embassies, consulates, and passport agencies – be kept on 24/7 to ensure regular security scanning, maintenance, and patching. To comply with federal mandates and support the Department’s Greening Diplomacy Initiative, the Department launched an agency-wide initiative to eliminate power waste across 100 percent of its workstation computers.
With projected savings worldwide of several million dollars per year when fully implemented, the power management initiative now eliminates more than 21,000 metric tons of carbon emissions per year. The Department also automates patch deployment and network scanning during off hours to save system administrator time.
NightWatchman® Enterprise helped the Department automate the shutdown of unused workstations while maintaining security and minimizing disruption. Integrating seamlessly with the Department’s Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) platform, it also offers robust reporting capabilities that accurately report power and carbon consumption savings through a highly customized dashboard. In addition, WakeUp™ – the Wake-on-LAN feature of NightWatchman Enterprise – allows Department site workstations to be powered on for patching, scanning, health checks and software installation. These tasks can now be performed during non-business hours, minimizing impact to normal day-to-day business operations.
Read the InfoWorld article here:
Read our press release announcing the customer story here:
For a list of all recognition awarded to 1E in the last few years, take a look at:


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