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Actively Efficient

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22nd September, 2014 marks the launch of new versions of two key pieces of technology. One is a new version of our software waste identification and reclaim product, AppClarity. The other is an update to the architectural platform called ActiveEfficiency (AE) that AppClarity and Shopping currently rely on and Nomad, NightWatchman, and the forthcoming MyWorkNow will come to rely on for major future functionality.
Let me start by telling you all a little bit about what ActiveEfficiency is, and why we at 1E have taken the strategic move to use the architecture and future kingpin in our products. In short, AE is about keeping things standard and enabling a single predictable data layer that all our products can leverage, once we have the data in a predictable format it makes it much easier for our products to consume meaning faster data transfer rates, functionality deliverables and a much richer feature set. Because the data is always presented in the same way by AE rather than the products having to cope with unpredictable formats, each development team just needs to be able to connect to the AE data rather than each product solving connectivity to different data sources in their own way.
So what can you expect from the next release of AppClarity and ActiveEfficiency? Let me start with AppClarity. If I were to put the release into a particular theme, I would choose “New Platform Support” as from the next release (4.5) there are a number of updated platforms that AppClarity will be supported on. These include Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, SCCM 2012 R2 & SQL 2014, AppClarity can also be put into a migration mode to allow the migration from Configuration Manager 2007 to 2012, and there is also a new look and feel to the product.
With regards to ActiveEfficiency, we have made it a great deal easier to schedule AppClarity syncs using ActiveEfficiency, optimized sync performance for both Shopping and AppClarity and added support for soon to be released Nomad functionality.
These features are only the start and as 1E goes down the ActiveEfficiency road, 1E as a company will benefit in terms of quicker development of features and functionality but more importantly, our customers will benefit from functionality that will allow them to run IT for less. Should you want to know how much we can help, please follow our LinkedIn Showcase page for AppClarity, or contact us at [email protected].


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