When planning a System Center ConfigMgr Manager and Nomad implementation or when integrating Nomad into an existing ConfigMgr environment, I'm often asked "How big does the ConfigMgr client cache need to be to accommodate Nomad?" Or, "Do we need to change the ConfigMgr client's cache size to accommodate Nomad?"
The short answer is, "It doesn't matter."
Now, when I say "It doesn't matter", I don't mean that the size of the ConfigMgr client cache doesn't matter at all. On the contrary, it’s a critically important design decision. If it's too small, software distribution success may suffer. If it's too big, you risk the ConfigMgr client's cache growing to completely fill the drive's remaining space. Either way, an improperly sized client cache size will lead to operational headaches… Nomad or not. I say it doesn't matter, because when determining the proper ConfigMgr cache size for your environment you don't need to factor in, or accommodate for Nomad.
Many incorrectly presume that a larger, or oversized, ConfigMgr client cache allows Nomad to operate more efficiently because the more content that remains in ConfigMgr client's cache means more content is available to Nomad for local redistribution. The fact is, however; an oversized ConfigMgr client cache doesn't benefit Nomad. The best thing you can do to ensure Nomad operates optimally is to ensure that ConfigMgr software distribution works reliably by selecting a properly sized ConfigMgr client cache.
Before I share two factors that should determine the proper cache size for your ConfigMgr clients, let's review some fact about how the ConfigMgr cache operates and its interaction with Nomad.
PrepareDeletion XYZ0001D(2) CacheManager
ConfigMgr:DeleteCacheContent XYZ0001D(2) CacheManager
Nomad:DeleteCacheContent XYZ0001D(2) CacheManager
Deleting C:\ProgramData\1E\NomadBranch\XYZ0001D_Cache_deleting(2) CacheManager
Based on these facts, we can see that a reasonable and properly-sized ConfigMgr client cache setting allows Nomad the space it needs.
Most likely, the default ConfigMgr Cache size of 5 GB is going to be too small in your environment, but exactly how big should it be? I recommend you size the ConfigMgr client cache to accommodate the larger of following two items:
Identify the size of each, select the larger value and add a reasonable "buffer". For most of the enterprises I've worked with, we found the optimal cache size to be somewhere between 15-25 GB.