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Customer service excellence, always!


In a recent company update, our CEO was quoted saying “Don’t find customers for our products, find products for our customers.” For a product based company like ours, that may well be true. However, that is definitely not all. The product can be truly innovative, even a lifestyle changer, but that’s not what makes a company great. What sets a company apart is the service and experience the customer receives when doing business with it.
Customer service excellence at 1E has always been and will always be the topmost priority. As one of the leaders in the support team, I get to work with customers from all around the world. From my experience, I know that customers expect you to fix things when these go wrong. They want to receive accurate, relevant, and complete answers to their questions upon their first contact with us. 1E Support strives to provide efficient service from the touch point and communication channel of our customer’s choice.
Here in one place is a reference list of many of our support services,

  • An improved support portal which is a one-stop support resource with access to product documentation, knowledge base, product life-cycle etc.
  • Solutions through hotfixes that solve common product problems with the click of a button
  • Newly introduced “extended support” for customers who aren’t ready to upgrade when their product version has approached sunset
  • 24 x 7 support service for customers who opt for it

In addition to the above, 1E offers expertise straight from the source to ensure a successful deployment of our solutions. This includes;

  • 1E Professional Services to implement and customize our products to suit the needs of our customers
  • 1E training and certification program for all of our solutions which includes carefully crafted practical labs

1E is deeply influenced by the feedback that we receive from our customers. We’ve shared a number of customer success stories here on the blog. Customer satisfaction scores for our support services are placed at a staggering 95%. In case you didn’t know already, almost every aspect of our product support lets you provide real-time feedback. The satisfaction surveys aren’t just limited to support cases but also extend to our knowledge base, product documentation and the web portal as well. If you have not been already giving us your feedback, we request you to do so soon. It helps us and our product development team track, identify and prioritize new features for future product releases.
In an ideal world, customers would never even have to reach out for help when using our products. But since modern technology, no matter how efficient it is- still breaks, we want our customers to feel confident that 1E will provide the best service, support tools and capabilities. For us, customers are the most important stakeholders and therefore we put them at the heart of every decision.
At 1E, customer service isn’t just a department, it’s the ENTIRE Company!


The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022

The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022