NOTE: In-place upgrade is not supported with this release, only a full install is supported. Also, this is not supported in production environments.
System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 was announced at TechEd North and CTP2 was made publicly available on Friday of that week. There are number of features that have been added to this release, mostly importantly support for the upcoming Windows 8. There are a few prerequisites that are required and you can download them from the following links:
System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 CTP2
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows ® 8 Release Preview
Once you have downloaded the Service Pack, you will also need to download the prerequisite files. This can be done when installing the service pack if your system is Internet connected. However, if you are working in an isolated lab environment you can download the prerequisite files ahead of time using the setupdl.exe (found in SMSSETUP\BIN\X64) from an Internet connected machine. Only 16 files (roughly 248 MB) are downloaded, as opposed to 406 files (roughly 395 MB) for RTM.
If you try installing the Service Pack before installing the Windows ADK, it will give you a Failed Status for the User State Migration Tool, Windows Deployment Tools and Windows Preinstallation Environment as seen below.
Preview setup wizard
So the first thing to do is to install the necessary Windows ADK features. Kick off the ADK Setup (adksetup.exe) from the download link above and select the following features to install:
Assessment and download kit
Once this is finished, then you are ready to begin the Service Pack 1 CTP Setup. The install is pretty straight forward, starting with the splash.hta welcome screen, click Install.
Review the Before You Begin screen and click Next.
Before you begin
On the Getting Started screen, choose Upgrade an existing Configuration Manager 2012 installation (which is the default) and click Next.
Getting started
On the Product Key screen enter your license key (unless you are using evaluation software).
Product key
On the Microsoft Software License Terms screen, accept the license terms and click next.
Microsoft software kicense
On the Prerequisite Licenses screen, accept the license terms and click Next.
Prerequisite Licenses screen
On the Prerequisite Downloads screen, either enter a path to download the prereqs or select a folder that contains the previously downloaded files.
Prerequisite Downloads screen
On the Settings Summary screen, verify the setup type and click Next.
Settings Summary screen
On the Prerequisite Check screen, once all of the prereq checks have passed, click Begin Install.
Prerequisite Check screen
Once the core setup is complete, the following screen will be displayed.
Check the ConfigMgr setup log (C:\ConfigMgrSetup.log) for line that says “Configuration Manager Setup – Primary site upgrade completed”. You can also verify in the console by looking at the site properties, the build number for SP1 CTP2 is 5.00.7743.0000.