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Infographic – 3 Work From Anywhere IT challenges…and how Tachyon solves them

3 Work From Anywhere IT challenges...and how Tachyon solves them

Remote work is the unstoppable force that’s upended the workplace. In March 2020, 46 million knowledge workers left the office, and the overwhelming majority don’t want to return. Many businesses have already started closing or reconfiguring their physical locations in response.
One thing is for sure: Things won’t be going back to the way they were.
Yet, all but the most forward-looking organizations have not solved some of the key challenges with helping their remote workforce be happy and productive. If not addressed, this will become a strategic weakness. In this handy infographic, we highlight three sets of challenges that users face with their IT and how Tachyon solves them.
Infographic - 3 Work From Anywhere IT challenges...and how Tachyon solves them


The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022

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