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It’s OK to Show Off, You’re an MVP


Here’s what you need to know to join our MVP Monday program

There’s a lot happening over here at 1E and something we are excited to unveil today is a new program called MVP Monday. Just as it sounds, we will be showcasing MVP’s on Mondays for the remainder of the year.

You’re an MVP? You don’t say? Well! We would love to feature you and your expert ideas, advice, and knowledge on our blog and social channels. Perhaps you’ve got a book coming out (or have already published, congrats!) or maybe you’re keen to showcase your IT prowess in all it’s various forms. We want to hear from you! Our posts tend to be about all subjects related to software and content distribution, Windows 10 deployment and management, and IT asset management. However, we are open and excited to hear about other things you have to say related to enterprise IT.
If you’re stuck on something to write about, have no fear. Our team of editors and journalists are here to help brainstorm so that you are being highlighted appropriately. Our goals are to have a conversation, be engaging, and to provide a means of educating others.
Have a look at our application and tell us who you are and what you’re passionate about. The guidelines are straightforward, but we welcome any questions, comments, or ideas that you might have. Not a graphics person? That’s okay, too. Our team is ready and capable of making your work look as impressive as it reads.

1E Blog guest contributions guidelines:

  • We are looking for actionable posts relevant to our audience with length of at least 500 words
  • Non text heavy articles are preferred (we encourage you to include graphics, videos and links to showcase your points)
  • Please only submit original work written by yourself and not previously published anywhere else
  • Permission should be obtained for all copyright material used and appropriate references should be quoted where necessary
  • All links within posts should be applicable to the content and point to appropriate, high quality websites
  • We reserve the right to decline poor quality posts or content irrelevant to our target audience

We can’t wait for you to become part of this campaign. For the MVP who contributes the most, a grand prize will be awarded at the end of the year. (There may even be a few other bonuses along the way.) So, talk to us, get writing, and get your work out there to a ready and willing audience.


The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022

The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022