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Migrating to Windows 7 – Why are large organizations so slow?

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Why are large organizations so slow at moving to the latest Windows Operating System (OS)? Most did not move to Vista and many are still on Windows XP as the Microsoft deadline to migrate, or face prohibitively expensive custom support agreement, is getting dangerously close. Windows 7 is widely believed to be a significant upgrade over XP and most users have experienced it at home, so why hasn’t IT upgraded the organization to it already?
We, at 1E, believe there are five major factors which prevent IT from staying current in terms of the Operating System, and many other technologies. I discuss each factor in a two-part article series for The Huffington Post, and suggest potential alternatives. Our understanding comes from the work we have done with more than 1500 organizations over the last 15 years, with a good deal of expertise in helping large firms migrating to Windows 7.
The five factors are perceived risk of automation, disruptive additional effort, disproportional cost versus benefit, proliferating complexity, and lack of skills and tools to achieve automation benefits. Click here to read part one, which covers the first three, whilst the final two risks are covered in part two here.
Having spent time talking to some of the largest organizations, there is an overwhelming need for enduring value from investments in IT itself. If this is established as a goal, then the technologies, skills and processes developed for OS migration can be applied to achieve a constant state of readiness; a state in which virtually any change can be implemented across the Windows estate rapidly and with minimal cost. That way the next time the business wants change, IT is not holding it back.
You can keep up with my guest posts for The Huffington Post via my author page.


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