We are pleased to announce that support for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1 with Nomad 2012 is now complete and a new maintenance release of Nomad 2012 is now available on the 1E Support portal, which we would encourage our customers to download.
This release also provides support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
Alongside this release there are also a number of enhancements to the Nomad Reporting Pack, including improvements to the base reports, a number of new reports and some great new graphical summaries. The Nomad Reporting Pack is available through the 1E Support Team.
The new reports include:
- Nomad Daily Savings Shows a graph of network utilization, via stacking what nomad is downloading from DP, Peers and Multicast.
- Nomad Weekly Bandwidth Shows the same graph as above but in weekly aggregation. In addition it gives a pie chart of the overall bandwith used during the selected time period.
- Count of Nomad Agent version A report to help keep track of any Hotfix deployment of otherwise Nomad upgrades.
- Nomad TS Cached Packages for a Subnet Shows you if a specific Subnet is fully ready for a OS deployment via checking out if any referenced Package is not yet pre-cached.
- Nomad Cached Packages for a Specific Computer Shows the details of the packages for a specific computer. Including details such as download from DP/Peer split and backoff/copy time.
There may be a video in the works that highlights these great new reports soon so watch this space.