Last month, President Obama signed into law the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act(PMIAA), an important milestone in recognizing the importance of proper project and portfolio management when it comes to IT projects.
As a strong believer in the role effective project management plays in successful programs, 1E was delighted to see this Oval Office endorsement: Software Lifecycle Automation makes our customers faster, by automating and streamlining manual, error-prone IT processes.

When it comes to government waste, everyone is familiar with the sobering metrics: according to PMI, only 64% of government strategic initiatives ever meet their goals and business intent — while government entities on average waste around $101 million for every $1 billion spent on projects and programs.

This growing emphasis on proper processes is evident in other areas of recent government direction, too. There was, for instance, the recent announcements that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has turned to 1E to achieve greater IT efficiency in accordance with the new MEGABYTE Act.
Besides the VA, 1E has partnered with the Department of State and the Defense Logistics Agency to execute product implementation projects leveraging the 1E PM process inside agency program processes – and with great success.
Outside governmental work too, of course, proper PM processes will always give projects a fighting chance: Project Management enables organizations to embrace change with the minimum of disruption.
Over 95% of 1E implementation projects are on time and on a budget.  This ensures there is no wasted spend, that business goals are met, and that customers are left able to succeed and realize recurring savings.  This delivery method is outlined at, in addition to how this process helps save otherwise doomed IT projects.

Meanwhile, formalizing this type of arrangement into law will help the entire US government reduce cost and advance 1E’s drive to spread the benefits of Software Lifecycle Automation.