The wrong tools

Many organizations worry that using traditional Systems Management or Software Asset Management tools is not only time consuming but frequently devoid of any identifiable ROI.
In most cases, traditional tools focus on compliance and license liability – they tell you how much you have installed versus how much you have licensed – so you can ensure you are compliant in the face of a vendor audit. They almost never tell you where those licenses are, how they could be better deployed or how much money you could save by removing them altogether.
Unfortunately, even if traditional tools could identify unused software, many of those unused applications won’t be packaged in your Systems Management platform to allow automated uninstall. The process to recover unused licenses can become as cumbersome and time-consuming as the process of finding them in the first place.
Even here, there is a straightforward answer – using an active, user centric software reclaim policy. One that is capable of identifying what software you have and where and how it is being used before helping you to then reclaim and redeploy your applications.
In short, one that is capable of making a real difference to your business.