Why 1E leads the way in software reclaim
Employing software license optimization across your organisation can result in sudden and dramatic savings. As a recent example, within eight weeks of deploying 1E AppClarity, a major North American insurance company saw savings of nearly a third of a million dollars through software license optimization alone.
Already using 1E's Shopping and NightWatchman Enterprise, the company wished not only to quantify software application usage across the company by deploying AppClarity but also save money by removing unused applications from its environment. It wanted to be confident, when presented with a request for a vendor software audit, it could give an accurate and compliant response with hugely reduced time and effort required.
Using 1E AppClarity, and working with the 1E Customer Advocacy team, the insurer was able to successfully identify more than $300,000 of cost savings through software reclaim in under two months and ensure license compliance. The IT Asset Management team now have a level of visibility of their software licensing situation across the organization in a way that couldn't be easier or quicker.

So, how does software reclaim work?

AppClarity highlights what software is used against what is deployed. It provides reporting with actionable results without having to review pages of data. All unused software is collated into one report which financially outlines the total waste and potential savings. The Unused Software Report is a business case detailing the waste and the steps to take action.
By focusing on just a handful of applications in the first instance, the Director of IT Asset Management was able to detect and reclaim many unused installations to the value of $326,478 in less than two months.
“We gave users a detailed message, reminding them that unused software should be removed and gave them the choice to opt out of the software reclaim if they still needed it,” he says. “With the enterprise app store that is available via 1E Shopping, users are less resistant about removing software as they know they can reinstall it very quickly themselves if they need it later on."
With the success of this project for desktop software, the asset management team is looking to replicate it for server software. The Director comments,“We are looking at the new version of AppClarity for this, I’m excited that visibility into server software is available. It’s much more complex to see what’s happening in the server environment and to analyze usage. I want to ensure that all our server software remains compliant and also to identify costly unused installations software and safely uninstall them.
“Through our deployment of AppClarity, and our excellent working relationship with 1E, we have made $326,478 in cost savings in just eight weeks through the identification and reclaim of unused software,” he concludes.

How do I find out more?

Visit our AppClarity product page, or request a free trial today.