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Top 8 digital disruption videos

Digital Disruption has been a key theme for 1E in 2015, with both our CEO Sumir Karayi and COO Nick-Milne Home engaging on the subject at conferences and in the media.

Digital Disruption has been a key theme for 1E in 2015, with both our CEO Sumir Karayi and COO Nick-Milne Home engaging on the subject at conferences and in the media. While raising awareness of the topic, we’re also passionate about keeping up to date on it. Here are some of the best videos we’ve seen lately – and we think anyone with a keen interest in the topic should make an effort to watch.

Deloitte: Digital Disruption – Short Fuse, Big Bang?

Deloitte Australia’s (@Green_Dot) video – which accompanies a series of case studies – is a great introductory summary that describes exactly how digital disruption is making the business landscape “feel different”. It’s a great intro to the topic, and the case studies it accompanies are an informative watch, too.

MIT Sloan: Digital Disruption and the Financial Services Industry

Unsurprisingly, MIT Sloan (@MITSloan) takes a more academic approach to the topic, with an in-depth panel discussion on the way in which digital disruption is affecting the financial services sector and what established players can do to protect their future in the face of such change.

1E: Is Your Business Truly Digital?

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In this interview with Business Reporter (@BiznessReporter), 1E CEO Sumir Karayi (@Sumir_1E) reveals just how few businesses consider themselves fully able to take up the digital challenge – and explores what that means for their future. He also describes the changes companies and their leaders need to make to ensure they aren’t left behind.

McKinsey: How Digital is Changing Strategy

This video goes straight to those at the top, thanks to McKinsey’s (@McKinsey) Digital Strategy Leader Jay Scanlan (@jascanlan). Jay discusses what CEOs need to know about how the digital revolution is disrupting approaches to business strategy. One of the most striking points he makes is that digital is no longer a fringe concern – it’s a core leadership issue that must be taken seriously.

Forrester: Where Digital Disruption Will Lead Us

This video featuring Forrester Research’s (@Forrester) James McQuivey (@jmcquivey) caught our attention as it invites the viewer to think about the future implications of digital disruption – including the fact that relationships will soon surpass products when it comes to commercial importance.

The Street: How GE & Marriott are Benefiting from Digital Disruption

In this interview with the Street (@The Street), Ray Wang (@Rwang0), author of Disrupting Digital Business identifies two enterprises he thinks are seizing the digital advantage and describes exactly what they’re doing to achieve this. Since many discussions around digital disruption focus on emerging talent and start-ups, we think it’s interesting to see examples of how larger, more established brands are adapting.

Global Center for Digital Business Transformation: How Digital Disruption is Redefining Business

This fascinating video shares some of the findings from interviews with 941 business leaders across 12 different industries – including the extent of disruption they’ve experienced. One of the key takeaways is the fact that many of the companies surveyed felt they have just three years before they will be disrupted right out of their current market.

Ben Hammersley: The dark side of digital disruption

For a completely different take on the topic, we really enjoyed watching Ben Hammersley’s (@benhammersley) analysis of the social effects of digital disruption – and why those hoping to reap the business benefits of digital should also be aware of its potential consequences and downsides.


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