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Two things from Gartner on “the Cloud” you shouldn’t miss

At the Gartner Data Center & IT Operations Summit 2011, Rakesh Kumar made a couple interesting yet startling admissions during a presentation. The first one, I think may even shock some of you reading this, while the second revelation is entirely conceivable given the landscape of the Cloud these days.

  1. It is cheaper to build a new datacentre than use a hosted service.
  2. Data shows that energy is the fastest growing cost in the datacentre, from 12% today to over 20% in the next five years.

Both of these are amazing statements and when the Cloud was first envisioned as a marketing term a few years ago, I really doubt anyone could have predicted that building a datacenter could actually prove to be cheaper. Gartner also goes on to say that the cost of renting rackspace in a hosted datacenter is doubling every two years. Again, I don’t believe anyone would have guessed this, but considering how the cable TV industry jacks up prices due to demand, it does make sense.
Read the full article:
So, if Gartner is promoting this concept, you can bet that companies will follow the prescriptive guidance. But, there’s a piece here that Gartner may be missing and of which you should definitely be aware: Gartner is not giving best practice guidance for building the datacenter. As the datacenter is idealized companies should also be considering building the data warehouse around best practices – which include energy management and monitoring. Its important to understand where “leaks” can occur and only products like our NightWatchman Server Edition can help plug the holes and give you the ability to prove that your datacenter really is saving you money.
Something to think about.


The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022

The FORRESTER WAVE™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022