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Work From Anywhere: Is your organization truly ready to succeed in the era of hybrid working?

Work From Anywhere: Is your organization truly ready to succeed in the era of hybrid working?

It’s no secret, the world of work has changed drastically over the last year, as 2020 forced us out of traditional office environments and into home offices. Many IT organizations globally rose to the challenge and were successfully able to deploy emergency measures and keep businesses running. But, as we progress into a new year with many more changes on the horizon, it’s safe to say that one thing will remain the same – Hybrid working.
What began as a temporary fix to accommodate social distancing requirements, has become an essential part of the new world of work. As such, IT organizations need to start thinking of hybrid working in the long term, not as a temporary measure until we return to ‘normal’. This is the new normal and – if you’re not already – you need to embrace the Work From Anywhere (WFA) initiative to ensure success moving forward.

What does WFA mean for my business in 2021?

Put simply, the Work From Anywhere (WFA) era demands IT leaders think about long-term innovation and strategy in ways they perhaps haven’t before now. A great digital employee experience is no longer a ‘nice to have’, it’s a ‘must have’. In fact, research shows that 6 in 10 IT workers rate “providing a better user experience” as a top strategic priority post-COVID.
Under the lens of hybrid working, your IT teams need to prioritize delivering great, consistent digital experience to employees, no matter where they’re working from. After all, for many, digital channels via laptops, mobile phones, and tablets are now the primary source of connection to their organization.
However, with this emphasis on digital and long-term hybrid working comes a whole host of new considerations:

  • How to monitor and optimize digital experiences
  • The increasing requirement for end-user engagement and feedback
  • Enabling and improving digital experiences for employees working from anywhere
  • The changing role of automation in driving these digital employee experiences
  • What metrics your IT team need to keep in mind to sustain success
  • How to identify, diagnose, and remediate digital experience issues as they arise

With these factors in mind, now is the time to ask yourself; Is my business really equipped to enable the digital employee experience required when working from anywhere? Are we truly ready to succeed in a hybrid work world?

Preparing for success

Hybrid working brings with it a myriad of business benefits. For example, it helps to enable a global talent pool, allowing for your organization to diversify and innovate. Failure to prepare long-term digital experience strategies and enable hybrid working could lead to larger problems, such as less productive employees.
It’s clear that many are already aware of what WFA can do for them. As of November 2020, following the preceding months of disruption and emergency adaptation, 83% of organizations were taking steps to plan for long-term remote working. But knowing where to start – whether you’re kick-starting an initiative or working to refine strategies already in place – can be daunting.
This is where Work From Anywhere ’21 comes in. This hybrid working tech summit brings together the brightest minds in the industry to tackle the challenges of delivering great digital employee experiences and provides tangible takeaway advice on how to kick-start or optimize automation to support flexible working at scale.
Join us on Wednesday, March 24th for a half-day live event focused on the innovation and strategy the new era of remote working demands, exploring:

  • Digital experience management and monitoring
  • The role of endpoint automation
  • How ITSM automation can drive digital employee experiences
  • Identifying, diagnosing, and remediating potential issues in real-time
  • … and plenty more!

If you’re keen to learn more about the Work From Anywhere Enterprise conference, you can find information on our previous events here.
Join the WFA conversation with global IT leaders and industry experts and register today!


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