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Case study

Enabling IT Transformation for the Air Travel Industry

SITA (which provides IT and telecommunication services to the air transport industry) partnered with 1E to develop a tailored end-user computing solution that can help the air travel industry manage its software updates in a controlled, secure and reliable way.
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The Challenge

More Secure

To keep their airports safe, SITA needed a cybersecurity strategy that ensured their software infrastructure was always 100% up to date and safe from attack.

The Solution

Milan Peprnik, Product specialist, SITA knew that 1E was the right choice to serve SITA’s needs. “1E Content Distribution for Microsoft Configuration Manager could allow us to move our customers to higher bandwidth demanding operating systems, such as Windows 10.”


Going forward, Windows 10 will only exacerbate the challenge of staying current. Security is a main driver for migrating to Windows 10, so you need to make sure your migration and ongoing content delivery is handled securely. 1E enables IT to deploy security updates as soon as they’re available.
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