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Case study

Baillie Gifford: Leading the way with proactive digital employee experience (DEX) management

Established over 100 years ago, Baillie Gifford is one of the UK’s leading independently owned investment management firms, with assets under management and advice amounting to $486.8 billion.
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Commitment to Putting Employees First

When it comes to Baillie Gifford’s IT teams, at the core of their philosophy is a commitment to always putting the customer first and maintaining a consistently great level of service. Baillie Gifford has been a 1E customer since 2009 when they implemented 1E’s solution. Since then, their use cases have expanded to include remote working, security, digital employee experience management, and proactive remediation.

In 2019, they implemented 1E’s Endpoint Troubleshooting, Endpoint Automation and Experience Analytics, to primarily run real-time endpoint queries and troubleshooting to solve their biggest challenges.

The Challenge

Baillie Gifford has always been an investor in technology. This pro-technology stance, coupled with their existing remote working practices, meant they were well-positioned to respond when the covid pandemic forced a shift to mass hybrid working. The key challenge? How to maintain a reliable service level when the working environment had altered significantly from 12 corporate offices to thousands of home offices.

Baillie Gifford had existing solutions in place to meet the needs of individual teams or departments to work remotely, but needed a solution that would help them deliver a consistent digital employee experience (DEX) for all employees, regardless of their working location. Specifically, they needed accurate, reliable data about employees’ remote digital experiences. For Baillie Gifford’s IT teams, reliable data would ensure they could manage the surplus of new variables, such as the need to proactively monitor and remediate hardware, application, or home networks issues. Not only that, but they also needed the data to be able to make decisions quickly in order to move from reactive IT support to proactive DEX management. The end goal was to provide an office-like experience to everyone: one that is stable, consistent, and predictable.

The Solution

Baillie Gifford rely on 1E’s Experience Analytics to provide real-time insight into employees’ use and perceptions of their workplace technology. The 1E Platform always maintains a live connection to all endpoints, meaning any data gathered by 1E Experience Analytics reflects the current state and can therefore be trusted for effective decision making.
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