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Case Study

Housing developer achieves disruption free Windows 8 migration in just 3 weeks

This US housing developer has been providing affordable housing throughout the Midwestern and Western United States for almost 30 years and has developed over 17,000 apartment units throughout California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, Iowa, Virginia, and Alabama. It used Nomad to upgrade to Windows 8 without having to invest in additional server infrastructure.


Having already manually completed a Windows 7 upgrade a couple of years previously, the company was keen to take a different approach as it upgraded to Windows 8. It also wanted to find a systems management tool that would support automation – with a view to significantly improving migration speed, efficiency, and user experience. The company was also keen to create a leaner system by reducing the need for investment in new servers and reducing the time and effort spent on maintaining the operating system.


Thanks to Nomad, the company completed its Windows upgrade in just three weeks – with no user disruption. This speedy transition enabled the IT team to concentrate on training users how to use Windows 8. This was instrumental in ensuring a seamless upgrade and familiarizing users with the new OS in a short time. By deploying Nomad, the company was able to avoid purchasing new distribution points for its SCCM architecture – instead it has been able to use client workstations and unused network bandwidth to distribute OS images, patches and upgrades.


  • Improved user experience – The company was able to deliver a positive user experience during its Windows 8 migration with no downtime or disruption
  • Business as Usual – The migration process was built into BAU tasks meaning that there was no disruption to the business and no distraction from core IT tasks.
  • Streamlined infrastructure – The company was able to avoid buying and operating 77 distribution points – creating a leaner system
  • Over $354k saved -The company has made operational, migration and energy savings of over $354


Housing developer achieves disruption free Windows 8 migration in just 3 weeks
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