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Case study

Britain’s Favorite Retailer's Endpoint Management Transformation

Britain’s favorite retailer operates a staggering network of over 1,450 stores and franchises globally. Since 2020, 1E has helped to solve some of its core challenges, including managing and monitoring complex point-of-sale (POS) systems.
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The Challenge

POS systems can be notoriously tricky for offline stores to manage. When these systems fail or lag, digital disruptions occur for both employees and customers. Customers either decide to wait for the problem to be resolved or leave without completing the sale—resulting in a poor retail experience. Similtaneously, onsite employees must also try to work around these ongoing disruptions. They need to address issues quickly and painlessly while trying to get engineers to restore device uptime. Without endpoint visibility and monitoring capabilities, organizations will struggle to provide a positive digital employee experience (DEX) and customer experience (CX).

The Solution

With the 1E platform, this global retailer can pinpoint where the issues in the POS process occur and identify the problem. This means engineering teams can quickly respond to, monitor, and predict these issues moving forward. This information is key to helping reduce call times from the prior average of twenty minutes, the mean time to resolution (MTTR), and improve the overall user experience and device uptake.
Woman at a retail POS machine

The Results

  • Device uptime increase from 92% to 98%
  • The ability to predict issues across the estate
  • Simpler endpoint management for 26,000+ devices
  • A lower MTTR
  • Reduced employee workloads
  • Better DEX and CX
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