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Case study

Transforming Digital Employee Experience (DEX) at a Global Sports Brand with 1E

A multinational sports shoe, clothing, and accessories retailer, in partnership with 1E and its partner network, has witnessed firsthand the transformative power of 1E in estate and smart asset management, self-service remediation, automated service desk operations, and the implementation of AI-powered support.
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Read on to discover

  • How 1E’s DEX platform helps enable an empathetic, personalized, and on-demand workplace
  • The impact of measuring and scoring user experience metrics across a complex global estate
  • How automated self-service tools and AI-powered support chat are breaking new ground

Why DEX?

Aligning IT to business goals

The role of IT is evolving. What was once considered a cost center now plays a pivotal role in driving company-wide employee productivity, closely aligned with other key business areas. IT now needs to generate outcomes that matter to company leaders. Leveraging 1E’s modern automation and integrations has enhanced efficiency in the service desk function for this multinational retail organization.
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The retail customer experience

The retail customer experience is intrinsically linked to employee experience through end-to-end retail devices and support for global stores. Productivity loss in the retail sector can be costly, and therefore the use of service automation, such as service desk chatbots and retail assistants, are unique points of engagement.

Empathetic employee experience

The 1E Platform allows IT teams to proactively manage the user experience in real-time. Through a series of Experience Analytics dashboards, the end customer can keep track of Employee Sentiment, both from users and in store, across the estate. Qualitative and quantitative feedback can then drive more empathetic decision-making towards better employee experience.
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