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On-Demand Webinar

Preparing for Remote Working with 1E Nomad

Organizations globally have been hit with the challenge of supporting remote working at scale in preparation for a potentially extended period of social distancing and self-isolation to delay the spread of COVID-19. That has meant that more employees are outside of your corporate network than ever before. How do you handle this situation without causing your networks to become congested?

Listen to Dave Fuller, Product Manager at 1E, as he discusses how Nomad helps to successfully manage software deployments when most users are isolated from the corporate network. The webinar addresses:

  • What you can expect when an unprecedented volume of endpoints is no longer connected directly to your corporate network
  • How Nomad behaves in that scenario to protect your network bandwidth
  • Measures you can take to ensure content continues to flow to enable software and critical updates to devices when they are being used from home

Fill in the form to watch this webinar and learn how 1E Nomad can help you prepare for remote working at scale.


Dave Fuller

Dave Fuller

Windows Self-Service Product Manager, 1E

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