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1E wins Green IT Award for fourth year running for NightWatchman Enterprise


Green IT Magazine hosted their annual awards for Green IT in London last week. The evening started with a drinks reception which allowed everyone to catch up with old friends and start to make new ones. Following a short speech from Richard French from BCS The Chartered Institute for IT.
After a bit of fun entertainment from British comedian Stephen Grant, who admirably made the best out of a very tough niche subject to make light of, the awards followed presented by Sarah Fraser from Rainforest Concern, this year’s proud sponsors of the Green IT Awards.
Sarah advised that this year, instead of a plaque or commemorative trophy award, the winners were awarded the sponsorship of one acre of rainforest in The Choco Andean Rainforest Project in northwest Ecuador to help to preserve the bio-diversity found in the region.
This means that the winner of each category not only helped in part by making the IT industry more eco-friendly but were also sponsoring an acre of rainforest in Ecuador.
1E are proud to say that we are now among one of the several organizations that has won a Green IT Award, sponsor an acre of rainforest in Ecuador, and are also one of the two companies to have won a Green IT Award for four years consecutively since it had begun!
Energy Efficiency Solution of the Year
Winner: 1E – 1E NightWatchman Enterprise
Runner Up: Energy Software Solutions – ESSaver PUE
We’d like to thank all those who had voted for us and you can click here to check for a full list of winners.
If you have not heard of NightWatchman before, Nightwatchman Enterprise is a PC Power Management solution that helps you to reduce your energy consumption and your CO2 emissions.
It dispels common misconceptions around PC power management with its user-friendly approach and helps to give admins accurate power consumptions reporting across the entire estate taking into account any complex power tariffs or schemes.
A lot of hard work has gone into making this solution and we’re extremely proud to have so many customers enjoying NightWatchman and winning another Green IT Award.
Here’s a picture of me proudly sporting our award:
Green IT Award 2013 Nightwatchman Henry truong


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