As of Tuesday, October 24th, there’s a new Cryptoware variant out there: this time, it's called BadRabbit. As the news of the malware unfolded, we immediately prepared this update for our user community which tells them how to identify and address the issue. This is another exploit leveraging similar techniques to (Not)Petya from July, so hopefully, we’re all patched up against this type of attack by now.
Still – it’s making headlines and you want to ensure no user has run the executable involved. Here’s how you can find and prevent this with Tachyon:
This example showcases how Tachyon provides Endpoint Visibility, Malware Protection, and Defense.
Tachyon can perform all of the above items with existing functions, across 120,000+ endpoints in literally less than a minute. Setup the instructions to run continuously (24 hours) on a daily schedule and as each endpoint connects, it will be examined and protected against future attack from this particular malware (or any future malware using that variant of dispci.exe.)