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CM State of the Nation webinar: Q/A

cm webinar follow up

Our annual CM State of the Nation webinar session with MVP Kent Agerlund and 1E’s Ron Crumbaker was one for the books.

If you weren’t able to attend, the recording is now available for you to watch and re-watch. To your heart’s content! Both Kent and Ron tackled some unique challenges most teams will encounter in 2019. Make sure you view the webinar so that you’re adequately prepared for what’s to come this year. Check out some of the questions asked during the session:
Question: CMPivot data lifespan: when a query is executed and data is returned, what is the footprint of the collected data on the CM database? If so, how long does it live there?
Kent Agerlund (KA): The return is about 1 KB per client. If we say we have 50,000 clients, it would be about 15MB of traffic. If the client is offline, we won’t bother doing anything. That’s it! It’s for online clients. (Which includes the data as well). You use CMPivot because right now you can’t wait for inventory, or you can’t wait to delete a file. After you do your CMPivot, you want to go in and do more traditional stuff to make sure all the offline clients can perform the same actions when they are online.

Question: Does email application approval work for programs as well? Or only applications?

KA: It’s a setting on your app deployment.  A side note: Packages are great! I use them when I have something I want to ask a user about. In the SDK you can use automatic approval, too.
Question: LEDBAT and CM WSUS: is LEDBAT configuration for WSUS manual (e.g. PowerShell) as opposed as to DP LEDBAT configuration (which is a simply checkbox in ConfigMgr console)?
KA: It is a PowerShell command. You can go in and enable it. It’s two lines, but a manual process.
Question:  Does CMPivot have the ability to get real-time data from devices not connected via VPN?
Ron Crumbaker (RC): CMPivot can connect to the Cloud without having to go through a VPN.
Question: Do you have any estimates for per device cost of CMG?
KA: Yes! First of all, there is a service fee. You will pay for each instance. (There is a monthly cost). Then you have to pay for the amount of traffic you download, but never for updates. MOST of the traffic is software updates. So you’re not being charged anything for that data. You can see the number of megabytes you download in your Cloud Management dashboard.  For a recent client, with an estimated of about 6,000 devices, the downloads were at 150 MB per month.
Question: Does CMPivot for local files rely in any way on software inventory or asset intelligence?
KA: Nope! It does not.

Question: Does CMPivot require co-management with Intune or will it work with native CM?

RC: CMPivot is part of ConfigMgr, so no dependency of Intune, it can work just with CM.
Question: In CMPivot, are offline machines not updated, requiring to follow up?
KA: Nope.
Question: How does 1E assist co-management platforms (SCCM + Azure etc.)?
RC: Co-management is both On-prem and off-prem, so all our solutions work great with On-Prem Configuration Manager.  We have various use cases to leverage Tachyon within an environment managed by Intune.
Question: Can you just use Configuration Baselines instead of the (realtime) scripts?
KA: Definitely! I do that personally and wouldn’t be able to live without them. I build dashboards and collect real-time information. Yes, definitely!
Question: For CMPivot do you need to have admin access on the local workstation to query/run a script?
KA: Nope! CMPivot vs. the famous right-click tools, you have to have permissions. But here we’re utilizing the “fast-channel” so no! You don’t need that.


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