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Digital Disruption and Software Lifecycle Automation: What’s the connection? (VIDEO)


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2015 has seen 1E COO Nick Milne-Home on the speaker circuit discussing one of the business world’s hottest topics: digital disruption. We’re pleased with the response Nick has had to his talks and presentations on the subject.
But what does it have to do with 1E’s core business of software lifecycle automation? It might not seem like there is a much of a link, but in fact, there is a very real and quite inextricable connection between these two topics.
Digital disruption is changing the way the world does business, and this revolution has taken the largest players by surprise. According to research by Gartner, 51% of CIOs are concerned that the torrent of digital change is more than they can cope with. As customers become more demanding and employees ever more insistent about getting what they need to reach customers rather than what employers hand them, many enterprises are overwhelmed. Bad news for them, because if they can’t cope, they can’t survive. Companies need to learn to keep up to avoid losing out, but if 90% of their time devoted to IT is spent managing software, they haven’t a hope of keeping up.
This is where software lifecycle automation comes in. It allows enterprises to adapt in a way that will empower them to exploit this change rather than suffer it, bringing them the agility needed to decrease time-to-market, shrink the gap between the enterprise and its customers and devote resources to innovation. Precisely how this works is the topic of Nick’s latest video, which you can watch in full above.


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