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Configuration Manager: State of the Nation 2018 Q&A

Configuration Manager: State of the Nation 2018

Our second annual State of the Nation live webinar was a wild success. With an abundance of questions, hosts MVP Kent Agerlund and 1E’s own Ron Crumbaker are happy to answer some of them now. If you missed the webinar, you can always watch it on-demand here.
Question: Any idea on when SCUP CB will release and no longer be in preview?
Answer:  There is not a public statement at this point.
Question: Is this device managed by Intune in the CM?
Answer: Yes, with co-management it will also be in ConfigMgr.
Question: Supporting remote PCs is still a weakness in SCCM.  Security updates via Azure DP or Intune is one small option but upgrading Windows 10 over the Internet is still close to impossible?
Answer: TP1802 do offer support for Windows 10 servicing using CMG. 1E continues to improve upon the core foundation of what is offered from Configuration Manager, we have spent a lot of time developing a solution that will be centered around the Remote systems.  The added value to CM by 1E is a Complete Windows Automation, no matter where you are located.


Question: Can you use the exploit guard to block deployments to some collections? not to stop, but to block
Answer: Exploit policies are deployed to collections. That way you can control the settings per collection.
Question: Do you think that over time the Hybrid model could switch so that SCCM is deprecated, everyone uses Intune, but roles such as DP / MP become Intune roles that can be deployed locally?  At Ignite in Orlando, I heard Michael Niehaus actually say that MS ultimately want customers to turn off their SCCM servers!
Answer: Sure, “over time”, but that’s not in 2018 or in 2020.
Question: CTGlobal dashboard is “free”?
Answer: You can sign up for a free trial. The trial is unlimited in the number of widgets you can create, but it will only contain a limited number of reports and configuration items. Please reach out to me if you want an in-depth demo
Question: Why not integrate MBAM? For a co-management what do you think about continuing using cas? Is the cas still useful in a global 50k+ environment or do you recommend completely moving to standalone?
Answer: For 50k clients, I would recommend a standalone primary
Question: A lot of the feature changes are for managing client endpoints. Will we see further development for the Server Endpoint? i.e., Phased Deployment to Server Collections that are cluster aware so a whole service stays available? Or stage deployment of a new version of a server by cloning a VM, upgrading the VM offline and then bringing the new version of the VM online and offline the previous version?
Answer: I truly hope so. In my opinion, there has been a lack of focus on server management in ConfigMgr.
Question: Can you discuss any of the updates that are more customer-facing such as those in the Software Center that may overlap with or enhance the user experience for application deployments? Would be nice to understand those changes to compare internal capabilities against a product like Shopping.
Answer: As we develop more features into our self-service platform, you will see some enhancements to how you currently use Software Center and Shopping together to enhance the user experience across the board.  1E Shopping adds a consumer-grade user experience that users are used to with other app stores, but with the integration and control of Enterprise IT – like deep integration with Microsoft SCCM and IBM BigFix. 1E Shopping’s workflow automation also integrates neatly with various ITSM platforms, one of them being ServiceNow, to deliver an integrated self-service experience that builds on top of your existing IT investments.
Question: What is the significance of 1E Nomad on CB1710 as the client peer cache feature provided by Nomad is now inbuilt in CB1710 itself?
Answer: Microsoft has and will continue to add features to Configuration Manager, however, the peer caching solution within CM is still missing some features we consider as absolutely important and should be included in any peer to peer solution.  You can find our whitepaper here on Caching options within Configuration Manager. 
Question: When will Nomad be compliant with SCCM 1802?
Answer: Our policy is as follows for Current Branch releases


Question: Create and run scripts feature for 1710 CB it is still pre-release in my system?  What CB build will scripts be released?Question: What are the differences between Co-Management with Intune vs a Cloud Management Gateway?
Answer: Co-management is what allows a Windows 10 device to be managed by two providers (Intune and ConfigMgr). Cloud Management Gateway is an Azure infrastructure component that allows ConfigMgr clients to communicate with ConfigMgr via the Internet
Answer: There is no way to know what will be released by default.
Question: Do you see many people using CDP? We’ve done some “back of the napkin” math on the outbound data charges and they seem to rule out any extensive use of CDP.
Answer: I see more and more organizations use CMG (covers patch management) and a CDP to support certain scenarios like remote offices.

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