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WFA conference day 1 summary and today is Technology day

Work From Anywhere Enterprise Virtual Conference

The speakers did an amazing job. Here is a quick summary.

JP Gownder opened the conference with a keynote on the emergence of Work from Anywhere. I am a huge fan of JP and he delivered. Starting with a fresh analysis of the situation, JP delivered a strategy based around the employee experience. He called it a Bill of Rights for the employee experience. I think we can all learn from this.
I then had the pleasure of discussing remote employee experiences with Kurt De Ruwe, the CIO of Signify and Paul Hard from the Chief Innovation Office of ServiceNow. Paul and Kurt provided both strategic and practical insights for senior IT leaders. Kurt was really gracious about our Tachyon product and how it is helping Signify implement change faster than before. The research itself is available on the 1E website homepage.
Sabyasachi Das from DXC then discussed the 5 workplace trends beginning to take shape. We had lot of people discuss the trends in the chat so Saby certainly got people thinking! I want to congratulate Saby on this recent promotion—well deserved!
NTT DATA’s Erik Jost talked about reducing friction in the employee experience. I am a big fan of Erik’s as he always provides such great insights. This was certainly a great way to look at making the digital world of the remote employee a lot easier to fathom.
We had two industry specific sessions. Joe Martella, who has worked for Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and now Rockefeller Capital Management, provided his insights into the financial services industry and the challenges they face. Always straight talking, it was refreshing to hear Joe discuss how the industry is adapting incredibly quickly.
Michael Carson, Head of Unified Endpoint Management, Novartis, talked about how he supports a huge number of employees (over 130,000) and the challenges this brings in a highly regulated industry.
Our very own Jason Keogh provided a masterclass on Tachyon. The technology demonstration got a very large number of people interacting with Jason on use cases and enough questions to last several days. If you’re attending Day 2, you can expect more on Tachyon or you request a private demo session in the Lounge area of the conference platform.
The day finished discussing human matters with a leading executive coach, Dr Catherine Sandler. Catherine provided live guidance on issues people are facing today with remote work, isolation and lots of other related topics. We had great participation in this session and we are likely to run these sessions more often given the number of questions raised, so keep an eye out for more information on that.

Today is the technology day.

As you can see today is action packed. Come and join in the fun 😊
See you soon,


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