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What is 1E Nomad?

Peer-To-Peer Content Distribution Options for Configuration Manager

Since this article was written 1E has released Nomad 6.0, click here to read more on its advanced features.
1E is known for top products such as NightWatchman and NightWatchman Server Edition, and in this industry, its easy to be typecast when a software company produces market leading technology. 1E’s Nomad product might one of the least understood products, but is one of the most valuable and critical to organizations for a number of reasons.
In simplest terms, Nomad is network protection technology, but it is so much more. The patented technology intelligently uses spare network bandwidth to reliably and securely deliver things like operating system upgrades, software deployments and patches to thousands of PCs, servers and sites without disruption. “Intelligently” means that it utilizes the percentage of network bandwidth that you prescribe and it automatically throttles back and forth depending on the total traffic. So, your network is always stable, always protected, and always available for the business requirements. If a connection goes offline, Nomad even provides auto recovery.

Nomad Enterprise

Nomad also reduces hardware and management costs by completely eliminating the need for dedicated branch distribution servers for System Center Configuration Manager. For that alone, think about the cost savings!
Nomad gets essential patches and updates delivered fast, WITHOUT disrupting the business or the end users. It provides reliable software delivery, even over slow or unreliable links. Consider that the next time you groan over a request to deliver a Office 2010 upgrade to thousands of PCs by Monday.
Another key indicator of Nomad’s brilliance is that it accelerates your Windows 7 rollout. Deploying operating system upgrades or even a complete OS image can be done at any time – no need to wait until after hours for when the network is underutilized, paying overtime to IT. As an example, using Nomad, Verizon Wireless automated zero touch desktop software deployment across their entire PC estate, delivering annual cash savings of $5 million and an 80% reduction in deployment times.
Nomad is a MUST for any organization that:

  1. Has System Center Configuration Manager and Branch Offices
  2. Is deploying software, patches, and operating systems

“Nomad from 1E is used to extend the capabilities of our strategic desktop management solution. It now handles around 99% of all of our software deployments and patch updates to our 300,000+ desktop and laptop machines.” Gary M Phillips, Global Head of IT Operations, HSBC

Grab the product sheet.
…and, check out the case studies.
Nomad is amazing technology that saves our customers millions of dollars.
UPDATE: We recently posted a new entry to our blogs about how Nomad is a critical piece of technology for saving the company during weather outages. Check it out:
1E Nomad versus the Texas Winter – 1E Blogs


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