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The Guaranteed State rules every Tachyon user should know

Tachyon Tuesday - Deep Tech Content, Every Tuesday

Enforcing compliance can often be a pain for IT Ops teams. Using something like Group Policy allows you to set policies, which typically end up being registry key changes. However, as you likely know, if someone circumvents a policy, it will remain circumvented for a long period of time (up to 2 hours by default) before Group Policy addresses the required setting.
Guaranteed State allows you to setup rules that are constantly enforced. Rather than running every 60-120 minutes like a Group Policy, Tachyon Guaranteed State (GS) reacts to the “Trigger”. If someone changes a registry key or does whatever match the trigger, GS reacts immediately, within just a few milliseconds. If you change the registry to allow you to put in a USB key, Tachyon reacts faster than you can push it into the slot, changing the setting back.
See this in action in the latest Tachyon Tuesday video…



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