In his previous post, Avoid the “Clippy Cliff”: Interactive Notifications and Effective End-User Engagement, Jason Keogh gave some sound advice on how to avoid becoming like Clippy – the annoying ‘Digital Assistant’.
Jason explored the concept of effective end-user engagement and the most successful ways you can create such interactions via Tachyon, without becoming intrusive or inconvenient to your users:

  1. Through Experience Surveys
  2. Through Interaction workflows

In this week’s vlog, we will dig a little deeper with Guaranteed State and dive into interaction notifications and surveys from a code level. The goal? To help you to:

  • Allow the user to not participate at any time
  • Enable the user to request human help when relevant
  • Give users the option to opt-out of future prompts
  • And to allow the user to trigger prompts/assistance on-demand

You can review the original blog post here. Or, if you're interested in continuing to explore Taychon on a deeper level, check out the Tachyon Masterclass from our latest Work From Anywhere conference!