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Vlog: Self-Heal and Self-Service with Tachyon

Tachyon Tuesday - Deep Tech Content, Every Tuesday

In our previous post, ‘The 4 S’s of excellent end-user experience’, we considered the four key elements to delivering a good experience for end-users: Self-Heal, Self-Service, Service Desk Augmentation, and Sentiment Monitoring.
End-users require a seamless, uninterrupted experience, and it’s down to us to ensure their work isn’t disrupted by security updates and performance issues, for example. Or – when issues do arise – we must enable users to resolve problems quickly and avoiding time spent waiting on a helpdesk whenever possible.
This vlog will take a more detailed look at the first of these S’s – Self-Heal and Self-Service – and consider how the two are interconnected.

1. Self-Heal

Murphy’s law states that if things can go wrong, they will. However, if we can trigger an automation when something goes wrong, by monitoring log files for error messages, or registry keys for changes, or processes for stability or any of a host of other triggers – then we can automatically fix the problem at the instant it occurs. “If we fix a problem before the user was ever aware of it… did it really happen?” well… yes, but it didn’t interrupt the user, or cause any IT staff cost/effort or work, so the incident was avoided and that’s the key thing here.
This isn’t about just running a few PowerShell scripts or setting GPO policies … this is about real-time automated remediation, as exemplified by Guaranteed State in 1E Tachyon.

2. Self-Service

We all know that users are getting more and more tech savvy. However, there have to be controls in place as to who is allowed do what to their devices – often we can’t just let everyone (for example) always have local admin access. So how do we reduce IT cost and avoid more helpdesk incidents while enabling users to fix things for themselves? Self-Service is the answer. Via chat-bots, service/shopping portals, etc. We need to rethink self-service, go beyond the pedestrian “Find software to install” or “Lookup a Knowledge Base” approaches and push towards actual end-point control, in real-time, on-demand. When the user feels that they have actual control/power from self-service, that it delivers value to them, they are far more likely to use it. That’s why and where Tachyon comes in – it delivers the “last mile” of automation, enhancing self-service to deliver real-time response and endpoint change which is hugely important – the user doesn’t just want to be given a document or have a call logged, they need actual, real-time change.

Stay tuned for next week’s vlog, where we’ll cover the final two S’s: Service Desk Augmentation and Sentiment Monitoring. If you need a refresh ahead of time, you can read the original blog here.


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