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Achieving service desk excellence in the age of digital transformation

The role of the service desk must rapidly change to meet new business and user demands. In this whitepaper we explore the key areas for service desk evolution and the impact of that for organizations.

To manage digital transformation at the speed of business change, IT service desks need to look beyond traditional tooling options and standard KPIs. It’ll be an IT imperative to not only adopt new technology practices, but also change the culture of the service desk to be business outcome driven and value centric. This whitepaper provides solutions around the three main challenges to overcome for service desk excellence including:

  • How to optimize your ITSM toolkit to meet new KPIs dictated by tech-savvy end-users
  • How technology can change the perception of the service desk so that it becomes a key value-driver rather than a cost-center
  • Why taking a new approach to service-desk optimization will pay dividends in productivity and efficiency of your end users, delivering on the promise of digital transformation

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