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Do more with less: 3 ways to reduce device management costs

Do more with less: 3 ways to reduce device management costs

As IT is being asked to do more with less, I wanted to look at 3 ways 1E’s solutions help reduce device management costs for organizations.

Simplified architecture and network bandwidth management

As organizations move towards modern management, device management and content distribution are changing. Traditionally, organizations using Configuration Manager invested in network bandwidth and server infrastructure to enable reliable software deployment over the network while keeping the rest of the business traffic flowing.
In a drive to reduce costs and simplify management, most are replacing remote infrastructure with a peer-to-peer content distribution solution that gets content from local peers when available and downloads from a remote source. This approach ensures you’re using some form of bandwidth management so as not to saturate the WAN, when content is not available on any local peers.
1E Nomad delivers a comprehensive peer-to-peer solution that includes content distribution, PXE servers and user state migration. It removes the need for distributed servers, simplifying your network, and intelligently uses only available bandwidth for all content distribution. As a result, your business is never impacted by MEMCM or Windows deployments.
Microsoft technologies rely on a combination of Peer Cache, BranchCache and LEDBaT, and meticulously manages BITS client settings and boundary groups. In contrast, 1E Nomad reduces the cost and simplifies bandwidth management and peer-to-peer content sharing in Configuration Manager.

Endpoint automation for ITSM

In a remote-first world, it’s inevitable that users will encounter more IT issues and service desks are having to react to a disruptive number of remote employee requests with fewer employees available to respond. Employees, who are becoming more tech savvy often want to be able to fix problems themselves without having to wait for the help desk.
The answer? Reduce your service desk’s incident volume and improve the employee experience by embracing self-service issue resolution. 1E’s Endpoint automation for ITSM empowers employees to resolve their own issues without the need to raise a service desk ticket. This puts employees in control, whether in the home or the office, and significantly reduces the number of service desk tickets. You greatly increase employee productivity so that your business, IT, and employees all benefit from increased efficiency.

Real-time device management

Devices are extremely important to employees, especially when working remotely, yet endpoint problems are a pervasive problem. Today, many employees are suffering from a poor digital experience as they are less visible and more difficult to connect with. In our recent survey, IT workers admitted that they are not well equipped to cope with service desk demands, with the problem lying with the use of legacy systems. Without the ability to remotely remediate issues, service desks can’t keep up with demand, contributing to a second-rate remote worker experience.
1E Tachyon interacts with every endpoint in the estate and gets information in real-time. The process of querying and retrieving answers from endpoints takes a matter of seconds, even across thousands of remote endpoints. Retrieved data is never cached so you know the actual state of your endpoints at any given time for better decision making. Unlike other tools, it not only monitors, but provides real-time ‘last-mile’ endpoint remediation, self-heal automation that predicts and fixes problems as soon as they occur, self-service that gives actual endpoint control, and sentiment monitoring to understand how employees really feel about IT – ultimately reducing service desk time and costs.
You can read Anoop Nair’s full blog, Reduce Device management Overheads with 1E Agent, here.


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