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Highlights from the endpoint security operations report


Why is this report so important?

We released our “Getting Your House in Order” report to shed light on the disparate relationships within organizations with the hope that it would explain why businesses are leaving their doors wide open to cyber breaches.
Businesses are still getting breached. We need to understand why.

To get the answers, we queried 600 IT professionals. Questions prodded the CIOs, CTOs, Security analysts, CISOs, IT operations managers, and other various operational and security IT decision makers across all verticals and industries.  What came out of these questions were startling revelations about what truly goes on within organizations on any given day.

60% of businesses have been breached in the last 2 years. 31% have been breached more than once.

Just a single breach can mean business loses all it’s customer data. What if your house was robbed? Not once, but twice? Or more??
Of the respondents asked (600), 80% said that they believe that an investment in automation of software migration should increase. 65% believes a greater investment should be in software patching, while 67% agree that breach response and remediation needs the attention.
Half of the security people identified said that they don’t even trust their IT operations team to patch endpoints or deal with security breaches or alerts. This really stuck out to us as an issue we know we can help alleviate immediately through automation. With WSS, teams can automate very complex IT operations tasks so they get done. There’s no question about it. The “set it and forget it” mindset is a reality when you don’t need to constantly verify the work.
When you are given absolute control over every endpoint, all the time, wherever you are, that’s confidence any organization can envy.
It’s time to get your house in order. Check out the report or the on-demand panel discussion. The panel includes 1E CEO Sumir Karayi, Shira Rubinoff, president of Prime Tech Partners. As well as Joseph Steinberg, founder of SecureMySocial. I hope you’ll find the insights beneficial.


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