Radu Gheorghievici-Pohl appointed as Managing Director for the DACH region, covering Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Frankfurt, Germany, 7th July 2011 – 1E, the global leader in IT efficiency software today announced its expansion into Germany, with the appointment of Radu Gheorghievici-Pohl as Managing Director for the DACH region. The company`s presence in the region will help it address the needs of local customers of all sizes more effectively and efficiently.

With its suite of Efficient IT solutions, 1E has helped its customers achieve €740 million in efficiency savings; €407 million in energy savings alone to date. That is the equivalent of 4.1 million metric tonnes of CO2 or taking around 750,000 passenger cars off the roads.

“The recent cancellation of Germany`s nuclear programme calls for immediate action. Put this into a carbon emissions context and the ramifications are startling. Deutsche Bank analysts estimate that an extra 370 million tonnes of CO2 will be released through 2020(i) , as Germany strives to find alternative energy sources to avoid any shortfalls in energy – alternative sources which, despite Germany`s clear leadership in solar and renewable energies, the local government anticipates will be coal-based in the short-term,” comments Sumir Karayi, CEO, 1E.

“If every corporate PC and server in Germany had our software installed on it, the German economy could save approximately €1.9bn per year in energy costs and reduce carbon emissions by around 9.1m metric tonnes of CO2 by eliminating servers that are not being used and by switching PCs off overnight and on weekends(ii) ,” he concludes.

Gheorghievici-Pohl joins 1E with 30 years` experience in the enterprise software industry, having worked for organizations including VMware, Amdocs and Microstrategy. His expertise with physical and virtual infrastructures puts him at the forefront of efficient IT practices, making him ideally positioned to grow 1E`s customer base and lead the company`s sales and marketing activities in the DACH region. Gheorghievici-Pohl and his team will serve customers of all sizes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland and will initially be based in Frankfurt.

“The potential for cost and energy savings is huge – in April, the German Corporate Energy Efficiency Initiative (DENEFF) outlined that €165 million and 1.1 terawatt hours (TWh) of potential savings could be realized per year through energy efficient IT(iii) ,” comments Gheorghievici-Pohl.

“Germany has a national commitment to reduce national carbon emissions by 40% by 2020(iv) and the government has allocated €25m to `IT Goes Green` initiatives. I am energized by the challenge to bring our expertise to the DACH region. The time is now,” he concludes.

Validating 1E`s entry into the German market, The 451 Group eco-efficiency analyst Andy Lawrence says, “1E is a well-managed and technically astute company that is highly regarded by blue-chip clients. 1E continues to be the market leader in desktop power management in terms of installed seats. This bodes well for its expansion into new markets – 1E is likely to be a serious player in the DACH region.”

In 2010, 1E experienced record 60% growth, adding four million licenses of 1E software to its existing customer base. The EMEA operation of 1E holds key customer accounts including CSC, Dell, HSBC, Nestlé and Syngenta.

With its entry into the DACH region, 1E will make its entire suite of efficient IT solutions available immediately. To find out more about the 1E suite of Efficient IT solutions, including NightWatchman® Enterprise, NightWatchman® Server Edition, Nomad Enterprise™, Shopping™ and AppClarity™, please visit https://www.1e.com


(i) German nuclear cull to add 40 million tones CO2 per year, Reuters
(ii) Total potential cost savings figure = €1.9bn
Total potential CO2 savings figure = 9.1m metric tonnes

– There are 2.17m servers in Germany (Borderstep Institute)
– A Server typically emits 1,975 kWh per year (average taken from Borderstep Institut)
– 15% of servers are not being used (1E/Alliance to Save Energy Server Energy & Efficiency Management)
– 1975 kWh x 15% = 296 kWh
– 296 kWh x 2.17m servers in Germany = 642,862,500 kWh of potential savings
– To calculate GHG emissions based on kWh used, multiply kWh x 0.54522 (Carbon Trust 2008 GHG conversion figures)
– 642,862,500 kWh of potential savings x 0.54522 = 350,501,492 kg or 350,501 metric tonnes of CO2
– Electricity – industrial consumption in Germany = € 0.1123 per kWh (EU Energy Portal April 2011)
– 642,862,500 kWh of potential savings x € 0.1123 per kWh = € 72,193,459 potential cost savings

– 31 million employees in Germany use PCs to do their jobs (PC Energy Report 2009)
– Total kWh used by PCs left on during weeknights and weekends is 520 kWh (1E/Alliance to Save Energy PC Energy Report)
– 31 million employees in Germany x 520 kWh = 16,120,000,000 kWh of potential savings
– To calculate GHG emissions based on kWh used, multiply kWh x 0.54522 (Carbon Trust 2008 GHG conversion figures)
– 16,120,000,000 kWh of potential savings x 0.54522 = 8,788,946,400 kg or 8,788,946 metric tonnes of CO2
– Electricity – industrial consumption in Germany = € 0.1123 per kWh (EU Energy Portal April 2011)
– 16,120,000,000 kWh of potential savings x € 0.1123 per kWh = € 1,810,276,000 potential cost savings

(iii) 10 Punkte Sofortprogramm –
(iv) Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU)